I like you.
I like your baby scruffs on your chin that tickle when you giggle and look down when you're kissing me.
I like your blue eyes that are really skilled at keeping eye contact with me while we speak.
I like your bottom lip that trails behind when I kiss you.
I like your freckles that are still visible even in the winter.
I like your short, soft, blonde hair that feels softy spikey when I put my fingers in it.
I like your clunky boot that makes loud noises when you walk through your house.
I like your hands that are a lot bigger than mine but can still hold mine so gently.
I like your chest that seems so still even when I lay my head on it.
I also like that you don't think I'm crazy.
I like that you understand how my brain works.
I like that you think the same way I do...I think.
I just like talking to someone that understands.
I like that someone understands.
I like that you like me.
I like that I like someone who understands.
I like that someone I like who understands likes me.
I just like it a lot ok.
I like that when something goes wrong it's ok.
I like that because I know I have you, it's ok.
I like a lot of that actually.
You help me remember that everything's ok...and I like it.