Thursday, September 5, 2019

Dear Dad

I wanted to be home for myself 
I was always waiting for you to come home
But you never did 
Or when you did you weren’t you
And then there were men that would
But they weren’t you
If you didn’t want to come home
The least you could have done was tell me
That it was still home
Even if you weren’t there 
But you never taught me that home is still home on my own 

even still

The way my eyes shift
Glazing over the products 
In a perfume shop
Somehow signals that I’m still heartbroken
Because maybe he can see that when
My eyes search for a scent
That I’m hoping maybe something about it
Will remind me of you

When I hear that song come on in a coffee shop
I can’t help but think of the day when we asked to hear Frank off of Houston
And maybe you still walk by that coffee shop some days
But you’ve probably found a way to rewrite those memories
Instead of thinking of me and the home that we were supposed to have made together

And it’s not necessarily a longing
Because I really am happy
But what am I supposed to think
When a total stranger can still tell
That something is broken inside

La Luna

To run beneath the light of day 
Keeps consistency beneath your feet
But to run under the light of darkness is a movement so variant that it is never completely your choice
Because the sun does not change his shape
He burns the Earth’s surface bringing life but only by means of the processes of labor 
He takes our water and replaces it with growth but you must learn to rehydrate on your own because he will never move to give you rain, only when the clouds are fast enough to gain a lead

But the moon,
She understands the complexity of relief
And that some days she needs to give her guiding glow
Even when we are tucked cozily in the comfort of her indigo blanket
And she also concedes that there are days
Where we would rather hide under her layers
Only feeling the pins and needles of the starlight that pitters and patters like rain falling on the windshield of a closed car

His heliocentric warmth paints my skin on summer days and cuts the biting winter air. He makes the water feel just a bit better and allows me to see just what is there for me to see.

But the moon,
She knows,
She knows that in the depth of her bounds we find solace in solitude and comfort in confusion and delight in disorientation
She shifts and shapes her shimmer to show us the shadows aren’t so shady at all
Even the insomniacs can turn to her in their restless roaming because she is reacting in hopes of returning them to relaxation 
The moon
She knows