Thursday, June 6, 2019

as days go by

May the creases in your skin be carved by the tender fingers of laughter and the soft touch of smiles.
When your salty tears grace your plump cheeks,
           May their trails nourish your heart as the moisture easily settles into your pores.
May the only marks on your body be rooted in victory and adventure,
But even when they are rooted in fear and mistakes,
           I hope you can kiss them just as smoothly as you kiss your others.
As you carefully construct your home in your heart,
May you choose materials that are just as malleable as they are sturdy,
Because brick will keep you safe but seldom warm at night without a fire burning from the inside.
Line your walls with wool and make your bed with satin,
But always know that no matter who you lie with, that your fire is sparked by you.