Monday, December 24, 2018

Mi culpa

Sometimes it can feel like every bad thing that has happened is because of something I’ve done because I’ve messed things up so many times.
And it’s just really hard.
It’s the most lonely feeling realizing that the common thread of your loved ones’ sadness is you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Maybe I'll never get over it...

I thought that this pain was over,
that when I turned 16, I finally understood that the way
I would have wanted things to be
was not necessarily what was best for everyone.

Those 15 words hit me like 15 bullets,
piercing my skin, driving through my major organs...
"In these moments,
I would love to hear what your mother would have to say."

Monday, December 3, 2018

We are made for dancing

Finding another function of
the human body is impossible
while I am tangled in a string of
synths, beats, ballads, and treble.

What kind of alternative purpose
would my arms carry aside
from rising and falling to tunes
like a refreshing summer tide?

Trancing, dancing, romancing,
the bobbing of light-washed skulls
frames my perceptional painting--
They carry me through the booms and lulls.

My body -- a crisp leaf, is whisked
and caressed by the slight, mild wind.
Hypnotized and mesmerized, this place
is unlike anywhere I have ever been.