Monday, February 12, 2018

There could be something more than this

A hamster wheel
That's how some of the world sees America
And I can feel it
While I'm in it

I'm happy with my life and my productivity
But am I only happy, because this is all that I know?
Could there be
Something more than this?

From what I understand,
I'm doing everything right.
Going to school, making money, contributing to society,
But is this the only kind of right?

When I am told,
That maybe, just maybe,
I was born in the wrong place
I wonder what the world could hold for me

All this time
I have held such gratitude
For the fact that I was born
Into this land of "opportunity'

But I'm now realizing
That this opportunity that I have been presented
Is not just my opportunity
It is opportunity that is benefiting someone who only wants to benefit himself

The opportunity
Is the opportunity to always spend my life
Trying to get ahead of someone
Who is benefiting from my trying - it never ends

I want to explore
and I want to know
What could be beyond