Sunday, November 26, 2017

You are nameless

I will no longer permit you to have the power to sway my emotions
I will not yearn for the past and give you the credit for the fond memories
I am the keeper of those

Your name allows you to be human
But the way you have treated me is in-humane
You do not deserve that title
You are a monster
A monster that will remain nameless
Your name doesn't matter

I have so much anger towards you,
But allowing you a name allows me to pinpoint the anger
I've realized that anger is a temporary emotion
Allowing you a name attaches the anger to something permanent
So, I will repeat,
Your. Name. Doesn't. Matter.

I screamed at the top of my lungs for so long,
Always letting you know exactly what I needed
You pretended to be deaf,
Like it was my fault that you didn't understand
The thing is, you did understand,
You just didn't give a shit
You were angry

You may not have realized,
But your anger filled me up with anger
You were so destructive
But for some reason
Because you're a sick person,
You enjoyed it

It's even more disgusting that you still convince yourself that you are not this person
That is why
I despise you

I will allow this anger to be temporary
Just like the time you took up in my life
You will remain nameless and soon I will forget
Now you're just some guy
Who couldn't learn to not be a liar

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